2/13/23 Crime Prevention Tips

Photo of Chief Stallings with the WPD logo

Today I want to pass along some safety tips if you find yourself in a public place, perhaps alone or simply in an area you are unfamiliar with.  If we knew when and where trouble would strike, life would be a lot easier.  Unfortunately, part of the tragedy of being a victim of a crime against persons is the shock and unexpected nature of it all.

As always, this is not intended to be legal advice.  But when it comes down to it, you have a right to protect yourself and your loved ones, period.  I’m going to give you some helpful tips. 

Criminals, like most predators, will probably strike targets they think are vulnerable.  As a former Marine, and veteran police officer who’s 6’1” and 250lbs, and armed all of the time, I’m not overly worried about being confronted by a thief, but I also know it can still happen.  Even I will keep an eye on my surroundings in certain situations.  If I do it, so should you! 

First thing to mention is be alert. This is mostly for women who are alone. A parking garage or open lot at night, when few people are around is a good time to keep your head up and scan the area.  Put the phone in your pocket or purse; Facebook can wait! When walking out to your car, take a moment to look around you.  If something or someone doesn’t seem right, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Go back inside if you can, and ask an employee to escort you to your car.  Don’t be embarrassed; I think most young men or women would be more than happy to help you with that.  If you happen to see someone shady, don’t necessarily look away.  In fact, look directly at them.  Criminals tend to shy away from eye contact, plus you want to get a good look at a potential suspect…facial features and clothing description.  

Interesting fact: Even tigers prefer to ambush their prey without being seen.  If you look directly at them, they are actually less likely to attack (that’s what biologists say, but I personally won’t test that out!).

Get to your car as soon as possible and have your keys ready to unlock.  Once inside, lock the door and go about your business. 
Another situation is when women are followed by a strange guy.  It does happen, despite being in public places.  Even if he thinks he is being “romantic,” it’s 100% unacceptable and a definite red flag.  If this happens, text a friend or family member, or call them if you can and tell them, loudly, that a weirdo is following you.  Give them a description of the guy.  So what if he hears you? He may even slink away. If you are able, take his picture as well.   And if other customers overhear you, they may offer to help.  Plus, god forbid, if anything were to happen now there is a record of what he looks like.  Also, call police and tell them.  Speaking for myself and my officers, we definitely want to know about something like this. If we can find this subject, we can at the very least identify them, and let him know he’s on our radar. 

As far as personal protection goes, think about getting a weapon to defend yourself.  I can expand on this in another post, but I will just mention that no matter what you get to arm yourself, TRAIN HOW TO USE IT.  Don’t wait for a crisis to reach for something that you’re unfamiliar with.  Self-defense courses don’t hurt either, but that can be for another post as well. 

Mindset is everything.  No need to be paranoid, but simply be aware.  Anything that gives you an edge is worth doing.  Hopefully none of you will experience being a victim, but I hope this information can help prevent it from happening. 

Stay safe out there and have a great week!

-Chief Stallings