06/28/23 How to contact the police department

To contact the police department, please use the following methods:
  • 911 (emergencies only)
  • (903) 364-2210 (office)
  • cstallings@whitewright.com (or use the "Contact Us" link on the website and select "Police Department")
  • in person at 206 W. Grand Ave. Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm. Or we can come to you.
Please note that if you call the office, it's programmed to ring twice then forward to Grayson County Dispatch. This is why voicemails will not work. Dispatch will then contact us by cell phone or email. We're not physically in the office at all times so we may miss calls there.
Facebook is *NOT* the way to contact the PD for any reason.
It's not always monitored by officers and is not official means of communication. Use the afore-mentioned means to contact us for all issues. It's not practical to keep up with multiple social media platforms for communications in addition to traditional means. Phone, email, or in-person only. If you are unavailable to use those methods, please have someone contact on your behalf.