Text alert option

Prefer to receive City alerts as text messages instead of emails?

It’s as easy as entering your 10-digit telephone number followed by the domain name of the carrier. For example, if your phone number is 903-555-0123 and you have an account with AT&T it would look like this - 9035551234@txt.att.net.

We recommend signing up for “Urgent Alert/City Alert” and “City News & Announcement” for the highest priority alerts and news, such as information about boil orders and updates during severe weather. Just enter your “text email” in the subscribe box, and you’ll get texts in the future.

This is a list of domain names for common carriers:

AT&T: cellnumber@txt.att.net

Metro PCS: cellnumber@MyMetroPcs.com

Sprint: cellnumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com

T-Mobile: cellnumber@tmomail.net

Verizon: cellnumber@vtext.com

If yours is not listed, you can search online or ask your provider’s customer service.